May 5th, 2015 - My Name Is Bear, James Bear
It was very hot today in the afternoon, so I did think of not helping the Beartrams with their field work. But then I remembered all the times Beartram had helped me with some errand around the cave or in the yard, and so I changed into my light summer fur and strolled over to Beartram's cave after lunch. And I did not regret joining them and doing my bit of farm work. Beartram's family is such a nice bunch of Bears to spend some time with. They always enjoy what they are doing, and have fun dancing and singing and joking even when working in the fields on a hot early summer day. And on top I will not feel bad if we should again need some meatloaves from Beartram's mother's ice box to keep Leonid Tiger happy.
After having spent the afternoon so pleasantly I was in a very good mood when I went home to our cave in the evening, and was surprised to find that we have a guest. A guest with a bandaged head, a scratched snout, and a torn white dinner jacket. He wore a pair of Ray Bears on his snout, with one glass smashed and the other missing. When he introduced himself to me as Bear, James Bear, Special Agent, the whole situation seemed so comic to me that I almost started to laugh. But since Mama Bear is known to have a big heart for all creatures in distress, and always wants me to be nice to guests, especially to guests hurt and unhappy, I checked myself just in time and asked James Bear how he was doing, and what had happened to him.
Turned out that James Bear really is a special agent, employed by uncle McBear. He told me that a few days ago somebody broke into Uncle McBear's honey storage bin and stole a number of barrels with honey. When uncle McBear got reports that Joe and Heinrich, the two mean old Bears which are always engaged in shady activities and are usually always broke, suddenly had lots of money to spend in nightclubs, he decided to have them investigated. And this is why he sent James Bear in one of his bearoplanes. But since there is no airfield anywhere near Bear Junction James had to bearachute out of the bearoplane. And, as luck would have it, he landed almost on top of Leonid Tiger enjoying his siesta. Who promptly decided that he had lately suffered more than his fair share of airborne Bear-attacks, and made short work of special agent James Bear.
"I had not even touched the ground when suddenly all hell broke loose!" said J. B.
"Tell me all about it!" I answered, and I told James Bear about my first encounter with Leonid Tiger.
"Then you know what I was up against!", said James Bear. "That brute did not waste a second, he was at me in no time at all. And since I did not expect an attack I was totally unprepared. I am glad that I did all my martial arts training, because without it I would have been lost. As it is I got away with some minor damage, but basically intact. Well, my dinner jacket doesn't look too good, but what I really mind is losing my bearachute. It is old McBear's property, and I guess you know what it means to return with some of his equipment missing, he being so very bearsimonious! Do you think there is a chance to find it once that tiger is gone?"
I told James Bear that Leonid Tiger was here to stay, and was actually looking after our tools and equipment; and I told him about the park that Beartram and I are building, and said that I would help him look for his missing bearachute tomorrow.
May 12th, 2015 - Anti-Stress Classes
Ms. Bear School Psychologist came to see us in class today. She talked about the stress and demands of modern Bear life, and how even young Bears do develop bearsonality disorders if basic rules for rest and relaxation are not observed. Starting in the fall we will have anti-stress classes, and for those they will bring in a new teacher from Central Bearmerica, an animal named Sam Sloth. The psychologist told us that she once attended a seminar Mr. Sloth gave on how to slow down the pace of life, and that Mr. Sloth is a natural when it comes to Slow Movement and deceleration, and will be a big help in teaching us how to relax and rest properly. I think I heard Mr. Bear School Principle murmur something about him not being sure whether we need anti-stress classes at all the way some of us snore in history class; but he did not openly contradict the school psychologist, who is a very formidable lady Bear, and likes her subject taken seriously.
May 23rd, 2015 - New Neighbears
We have new neighbears - a family from Bear Hill moved into the cave next to ours, which had been empty for a while, Bear Junction not exactly being a hot spot for relocation. Papa Bear says that things will improve, that more and more Bears will come to enjoy the free and low-stress live in the country, and Bear Junction will become popular again. And our new neighbears, the Brown-Bear family, may well be a start. Mr. Brown-Bear was a government official in Bear Hill who always suffered from a nervous heart. He now took early retirement and moved to Bear Junction to enjoy life with his family in a more peaceful environment.
Mama Bear is very happy that we have new neighbears, and she and Mrs. Brown-Bear took an instant liking to each other. They both like gardening and growing healthy food for their families, and are already talking about what to plant in the lot behind our yards that used to be a community vegetable garden and is now abandoned. I personally am more interested in the daughter of our new neighbears, who went to Bear School with me for the first time this morning. She has lovely ambear colored eyes with long, dark lashes, and nice honey brown fur - what I find very fitting for someone named Eve Brown-Bear.